14 August 2012


"The Forth Rail Bridge"
East of Scotland

The 2.5 km. (1.5 mile) Forth Railway Bridge, the world’s first major steel bridge, with its gigantic girder spans of 521 m. (1710 ft.) ranks as one of the great feats of civilization. It was begun in 1883 and formally completed on 4 March 1890 when HRH Edward Prince of Wales tapped into place a ‘golden’ rivet.Tancred–Arrol, constructed the bridge, robustly designed in the aftermath of the Tay Bridge disaster by civil engineers Sir John Fowler and Benjamin Baker.

The balanced cantilever principle was adopted.
The main crossing comprises tubular struts and lattice-girder ties in three double-cantilevers each connected by 105 m. (345 ft.) ‘suspended’ girder spans resting on the cantilever ends and secured by man-sized pins. The outside double-cantilever shoreward ends carry weights of about 1000 tonnes to counter-balance half the weight of the suspended span and live load.

This concept is readily understood from Baker’s ‘human cantilever’ model with his assistant Kaichi Watanabe representing the live load. The pull in his supporters arms indicates the tension in the ties and the push in the lower struts the compression in the tubes.
Each of the 110 m. (361 ft.) high double-cantilevers is supported on well-founded granite faced piers. The bridge’s construction involved the employment of 4,000 men at times, the use of 54,000 tonnes of steel and driving 6,500,000 rivets. Its total cost was £3,200,000 (~£235,000,000 today).

During operations, rescue boats were stationed under each cantilever saving at least 8 lives, but still 57 men lost their lives. The continuous painting of its 18 ha. (45 acre) surface, for the first 100 years using paint supplied by Craig & Rose, is now being done using a state-of-the-art paint regime with at least a 20-year life.

In 1996 Railtrack (now Network Rail), at the request of the Health & Safety executive, began a structural and maintenance assessment of the structure. The result of this was the £40m refurbishment package which began in 1998; this comprised steelwork repairs, surface coating, access improvements and an upgrade of the floodlighting. The contractor undertaking this work left site in 2002 due to financial problems. Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering gained the maintenance contract in 2002 (£10M per annum until March 2009). The coating system employed for the steelwork requires blast cleaning to bare metal; an application of zinc based primer to prevent corrosion (35 microns); a glass flake epoxy intermediate coat providing a barrier (400 microns); and, a polyurethane gloss top coat to give an attractive “Forth Bridge Red” finish (35 microns) on all of its estimated 400,000m². This system which has been tried and tested in an offshore environment is designed to give a 20­year life which means the bridge may be free of its legendary painters after 2009 for a short while!
Today, the bridge, Scotland’s biggest ‘listed’ building, continues to form a vital artery in Network Rail's East Coast railway system; it carries 180 - 200 train movements per day.

Forth Road Bridge Profile
General Dimensions

Main Span
3300 feet
Side Span North
1340 feet
Side Span South
1340 feet
North Viaduct
842 feet
South Viaduct
1437 feet
Total Length between abutments
8259 feet
Clearance under main span
150 feet
Dual two lane carriageways
Lane width
12 feet
Cycle paths
2 nos. x 9 feet wide
2 nos. x 2.74m. wide
2 nos. x 6 feet wide
2 nos. x 1.83m. wide
Total deck width
108 feet
Road level at side towers
153 feet above M.W.L.
47m. above M.W.L.
Road level at mid span
208 feet above M.W.L.
63m. above M.W.L.
Tower height above M.W.L.
512 feet
Main cable diameter
2 feet
Wires in each main cable
11,618 wires in each

Diameter of wires
0.196 ins.
5 mm.
Ultimate tensile strength of wire
100/110 tons per sq. ins.

Total length of wire in 2 cables
30,800 miles
49,570 km.
Maximum anchor span cable load under dead load only
12,100 tons
12,292 tonnes
Total weight of wire
7,600 tons in two cables
7,720 tonnes in two cables
Diameter of suspenders
2.25 ins. on side span
1.875 ins. on main span
57 mm. on side span
47 mm. on main span
Longest suspender
296 feet
Shortest suspender
8 feet
Maximum suspender loads
220 tons side span
173 tons main span
224 tonnes side span
176 tonnes main span
Total weight of steel in bridge construction
39,000 tons
39,619 tonnes
(Figures are approximate)